Bagel | #0

If you’re new around here you may not have been around to read our first tennis magazine: Racquet. Beautiful saturation, true dedication to tennis, and a mix of content intended (I imagine) to appeal to varying levels of tennis-related expertise & lived experience.

But that is not the magazine in your hand. This is Bagel. A magazine dedicated to the same thing as Racquet (to help make a seemingly exclusive & classist sport into something more modern and welcoming) but they go about it a bit differently.

From the get, Bagel has a sportier appeal & feel. They demonstrate clear experience & expertise while using grounded language that one would also use while discussing music or movies (i.e. any hobby). They embrace opportunities for edgy observations and aren’t afraid to poke fun at the sport they love.  It walks the delicate line of a ‘club’ that’s as inviting & as it is intriguing.

As someone with gym class & elementary school tennis experience, I found their storytelling & overall editorial direction more nuanced and less obvious, not to mention it’s an easy read. I imagine you could blow through this magazine almost as quickly as a light breeze moved the ball across the court as I struggled to pick it up gracefully. (such a tease)


Butt | #34


Broccoli | #17